Wednesday, February 11, 2009

sunshine and daisies!

so i figured it was just about time to write a blog post when i wasn't sitting here having a self-pity party.

it is an absolutely beautiful day outside. it's warm and the sun is out and it's just amazing.

i had a fantastic day today. i have finally realized that i have awesome friends and that bad moods pass (even if they take 2 months to do so). i swear, i was almost in (happy) tears this morning when i was reading the comments that people were making on my 25 things note (see facebook if you're curious). i am also remembering why it is that i actually liked college in the first place and reassessing how hard this semester is REALLY going to be. i don't really have anything else to say but i figured since i tell you all when i'm in a bad mood i'd like to let you know that life is pretty fucking sweet right now. :-)

days till my birthday: 102

Sunday, February 8, 2009

taking life one day at a time.

i am so sick of college at this point but i realized that the things that are pissing me off about college are the things that are going to piss me off in the real world so graduating early wouldn't help, even if i could do it. and trust me, i thought about it. but, in order to graduate early, i would have to give up on my honors degree and after making it this far, i am definitely not going to give that up, but i might switch from getting an honors in psychology to getting general honors. my parents are having trouble understanding this concept but whatever.

i really wish i could graduate a semester early and just go back to australia for a few months before jumping into real life but i took a look at my bank account today... the odds of me being able to go back in the next 5 years are pretty slim, especially since i'm going to have to start paying my own rent soon. i like to play like i am actually a grown up but i honestly don't know what i'm gonna do when i graduate and moving back home is absolutely positively not an option. the best solution would clearly be to find a sugar daddy to worry about these things for me ;-).

i swear there are positive things in my life atm but none of them are incesantly on my mind so they just don't seem to make it onto my blog but i swear that my life is not nearly as depressing as it sounds.

days till my birthday: 105