Tuesday, December 23, 2008

here we go again

so i have decided that the best way to keep people up to date about my life while some of my favorites are on the other side of the equator and the other side of the date line.

i swear, the longer i am back in this country, the more things i see wrong with it. i was listening to the news this evening, hearing about all the new issues with new scandals being exposed in politics and how surprised everyone is about it. honestly? it's politics. it is going to be messy. and my parents keep getting in political arguments. i thought the wonderful thing about the american system is that everyone has the right to their own opinions. oh well.

since i got back from my travels i have been spending a lot of time messing around on the internet, cleaning my room, and reading. i also managed to pick a little less than 100 pictures to print out that summarize my adventures. i've also been working on switching my spelling back to the american way, thus the sudden prevalence of 'z's.

i'm particularly pleased at the moment since i managed to fix my schedule for next semester so i don't have to take another 100 level gen ed, i don't have class before 11:20 am, and i have fridays and saturdays completely off... no work, no class :-) although i might pick up the friday shift for kicks and giggles if my schedule isn't too hard. i also came to the very odd realization that if i keep my schedule for this coming semester as is, i could graduate this coming december with my major and minor. i suppose that i really do have to start thinking about my post-grad plans. i don't wanna! ~insert 3 year old's temper tantrum here~

i do believe that is enough rambling for one post. peace out cub scouts.

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