Monday, January 5, 2009

happy 2009!

so we have finally survived 2008. it's been a typical year in the life of heather with ups and downs but there were lots of notable things that happened from the last time all my AU friends are at uni together to my adventure down under to deciding to move to a house off campus. but i suppose that most of you already know about what's happened over the past year.

i've spent a fair bit of time hanging out w/ my sister (like we part ways to sleep and that's just about it) and her friends. they're good people, i'm pretty fond of them... even if they do remind me of the aussies i miss like crazy. which brings me to my next thought. i've noticed that if you are constantly listening to someone talk about how much they miss other people, it kind of makes you feel like crap. also, familial approval is highly overrated.

it's getting to that time of the break where i'm torn between wanting it to last forever and wanting it to be over 2 weeks ago. it's weird to think that 1 week from now i will be enjoying my lunch break between classes back at AU. my masterful head games have worked once again and i forgot how much i have really missed being in dc. i'm thinking that about half of you reading this already know how wonderful dc is and miss it yourself but for the other half, i highly recommend visiting. it's certainly better than canberra :-) (although i know this is no great feat).

i've also come to terms with the fact that my employment options when i graduate are going to be slim and coming up with plans b - q so i can support myself. maybe i'll go back to australia for a while or tour europe. who knows. stupid economy. the only good thing about it is that these are the lowest prices i've paid for gas ever. however this doesn't really matter since i don't really have a car anymore and when i do drive, i generally drive my dad's car. it has the better gps meaning i get less epically lost. i really absolutely hate driving and i think i am destined to live in a city simply to avoid the necessity of a car, although i have discovered some new routes to and from places i go all the time around here.

so i figure i'll end this with some of my new years resolutions:
1. take care of myself... properly
2. figure out my post-grad plan
3. get out of nj... for real
4. stay in touch with everyone who's far from me
5. read at least one pleasure book a month
6. don't take myself too seriously
7. don't take anyone else too seriously either
8. eat at least 2 meals a day
9. sleep during human hours for human amounts of time
10. get more involved in hobbies and not just things that will look good on a resume
11. take advantage of any and all opportunities to see friends who are far away
12. don't worry TOO much about my bank account
13. give people reasons to come visit me at my house
14. walk all the way from AU if it's light out
15. don't panic

well i think that's a pretty impressive list of resolutions... i'll reassess in a month, see how many i've broken at that point

days till i go back to AU: 4
days till i turn 21: 139

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