Saturday, January 24, 2009

i have so many things i want to say to so many different people and no words to say them.

i don't know what i am doing with my life but for the first time i really just don't want to be in dc and it has nothing to do with school work. i almost feel like missing my friends from UOW so much is a betrayal to my friends here but i want to take all of them with me wherever i end up. it might just be that i'm having trouble readjusting after being abroad but what if it's not?

so i have decided for certain that i am not going to grad school immediately after i graduate AU. i don't know what i AM going to do, but there is plenty of time to worry about that.

my point kind of faded out but i think these are particularly important thoughts atm.

days until my b-day: 120

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